Prof. Tan and Mehran attended and each presented a paper at the ASME IMECE (International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition) in Phoenix, AZ. Prof. Tan also organized the topic and chaired the sessions on “Impact, Damage and Fracture of Composite Structures”.
Invitation to speak at 9th ICMAT 2017
Prof. Tan is invited to speak at Symposium K: Computational Modeling and Simulation of Advanced Material Systems of the 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2017).
ASC 2016 Williamsburg
Prof. Tan attended and presented a paper at the American Society for Composites 31st Technical Conference at Williamsburg, VA. He also organized and chaired the session on “Impact Dynamic Response”.
Senior Design Day
Dominic and Praj presented their Senior Design Research project on Senior Design Day.
Prof. Tan attended the 11th International Conference on Sandwich Structures (ICSS-11) and presented Bing’s work on meta-lattice truss sandwich structures.
Upcoming conferences and organization
Prof. Tan is organizing and chairing sessions in the below mentioned conferences. Interested contributors should refer to conferences websites, or contact Prof. Tan directly ( American Society for Composites 31st Technical conference WIlliamsburg, VA, 19-21 Sept 2016 Session: “Impact…
Prof. Tan attended and presented a paper at the ASME IMECE (International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition) at Houston, TX. He also organized and chaired the session on “Impact, Damage and Fracture of Composite Structures. Additionally, he was voted into…
Biomimicry Focus Group Workshop
Prof. Tan was invited to attend and present at a Biomimicry Focus Group Workshop at UA campus, organized by UA Biomimicry organizing committee from Biomimicry Research and Innovation Center (BRIC).
ASC 2015 Michigan
Prof. Tan attended and presented a paper at the American Society for Composites 30th Technical Conference at Michigan State University. He also organized the session on “Structural Response”, and chaired the sessions on “Impact and Dynamic Response” and “General Topics”.
TMU Alumni Meeting
Prof. Tan was invited to attend and give a speech at Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU) 1st Annual Alumni meeting for Asian Human Resources Fund Scholarship (AHRFS) Program at Bangkok, Thailand.