Prof. Tan visited Japan for an International Collaboration Project as part of Institute of Global Innovation Research at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT). Special thanks to Prof. Ogasawara (TUAT) for his kind invitation and warm hospitality. Appreciation goes to fellow colleagues at various universities/institutions for hosting Prof. Tan’s visit and engaging in fruitful discussions.
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology: Prof. Ogasawara
Nagoya University: Prof. Yoshimura, Prof. Goto, Prof. Ishikawa
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency: Dr. Aoki, Dr. Hoshi, Dr. Takeda
The University of Tokyo: Prof. Yokozeki, Prof. Higuchi
Meiji University: Prof. Iwahori
Tokyo Metropolitan University: Prof. Watanabe, Prof. Asai, Prof. Inasawa